President's Faculty Advisory Committee

Faculty Members
TBE (25)
TBE (25)
TBE (26)
TBE (26)
TBE (27)
TBE (27)

Ex Officio
Vice Chair of the Senate: Halima Leak Francis (SOPA) (25)
Secretary of the Senate: James E. Duggan (Law) (25)
Chair, Budget Review Committee: Brian Brox (SLA) (27)

Its purpose shall be to advise the President of the University upon matters of University policy, particularly when subjects of great urgency or delicacy require immediate consultation. The Committee shall have the authority to decide disputes brought to its attention by a faculty member, student, or member of the administration over which standing committee referred to in Article III has jurisdiction over a particular matter. The Committee may refer the matter to two or more existing committees by dividing it into parts for consideration in sequence or concurrently or may ask the Senate to create a special ad hoc committee to deal with the matter. Any member of the Committee who is on another standing committee whose jurisdiction is in dispute in a particular matter shall recuse him/herself from all discussion and votes in that jurisdictional dispute.

Six faculty Senators, no more than two from one academic constituency of the University. The nominating committee shall consist of all faculty Senators who shall propose each year two faculty Senators to be elected by the Senate to serve for three-year terms on this committee. The Committee shall elect its chairman annually. The Vice Chair of the Senate, the Secretary of the Senate, and the Chair of the Senate Budget Review Committee shall be ex officio members.