Proposed Changes to Senate Bylaws

These documents are submitted by the Faculty Subcommittee of the Sexual Assault Task Force. They propose an amendment to the University Senate bylaws to create a university-wide grievance committee to address cases of alleged EO violations by faculty.  The document includes the text of the amendment itself, the committee's rationale for this recommendation, and the policies that would govern the work of the committee. Earlier versions of these materials were circulated to the Senate in November 2018.  The feedback received was incorporated into this final version.  

Please forward any comments to  the chair of the subcommittee, Prof. Sally Kenney at

For First Reading:

Amendment to Bylaws and Committee Policy (uploaded 04.04.19)

For Second Reading and Vote:

Amendment to Bylaws and Committee Policy (uploaded 05.02.19)

This new version incorporates changes to the document from 04.04.19 (above) that reflect feedback from across campus.  Significant changes in the PDF are highlighted in yellow.

Amendment to FTFR Bylaws (uploaded 05.02.19)

As discussed in the April Senate meeting, this amendment is necessary to allow FTFR to entertain appeals from all parties involved in EO/Anti-discrimination grievance processes.

For information purposes only, the Faculty Handbook Revision Committee is also including a draft of what will be Chapter 8 of the new Faculty Handbook, which is referred to in the EO Grievance committee policy statement above.

DRAFT New Faculty Handbook Chapter 8: Faculty Code of Conduct, Disciplinary Actions and Dismissals (uploaded 05.02.19)

Earlier Drafts