Committee on Committees


Vice-Chair of the Senate: Halima Leak Francis (SoPA) (25)

Faculty Members

Julie Alvarez (SSE) (23)

Tina Boudreaux (Law) (24)

Fred Butell (SSW) (22)

Michael Kuczynski (Past Vice-Chair of the Senate) (SLA) (25)

Robyn Ice (SOPA) (24)

David Lesmond (ABF) (24)

Susann Lusnia (NTC) (24)

John Schieffelin (SOM) (24)

Kenneth Schwartz (Arch) (24)

Ex Officio Members

Ex Officio Senator: Michael Fitts (University President)

Ex Officio Staff: Julie Henriquez Aldana (Chair, Staff Advisory Council) (24)

Ex Officio Students:

TBD (USG) (24)

TBD (GAPSA) (24)

Administrative Liaison

University President: Michael Fitts



  • Except where otherwise provided, to appoint members of Senate standing committees;
  • To nominate prior to the first Senate meeting each year a slate of full-time faculty members who are not elected senators, preferably from among Senate committee chairs for positions as Senate Members-at-Large;
  • Except where otherwise provided, to appoint, with the concurrence of the President, the chairs (and deputy chairs as needed) of Senate standing committees from among the elected Senators whenever appropriate and feasible;
  • At the direction of the Senate to form ad hoc committees;
  • To review Senate committee structure and function every six years;
  • To replace committee members whom it has appointed to other committees and who are not fulfilling their duties to those committees.


  • To the Secretary of the Senate on matters specified in Article III, Section (c) of the Constitution.


Chair, the Vice Chair of the Senate; the past Vice Chair of the Senate; one ex officio Senator, and one faculty senator for each academic constituency of the University other than those to which the Vice-Chair and the past Vice-Chair belong, to be elected by the Senate for 2-year terms; and the following ex officio members: the Chair of the Staff Advisory Council, the President of the Undergraduate Student Government and the President of the Graduate and Professional Student Association.